Friday, May 15, 2015

How to get more from Google

Search engine is the backbone of the today's day to day internet use. But how many of you know that there are some tricks available which can help you people to improve your search.
Here are some tricks which you can use to save your time while surfing internet.

#1. Search Exact Phrase
"How to google"
If you want to search a exact phrase then you can enter the phrase with quotes this will tell google that you want to search entire phrase together. So this will help in saving time while searching something.

#2. Exclude a word
inception -movie
If you want to search a word which has one or more meaning, and you know which u want. Then you can add a dash infront of your query with the meaning you dont want. this will exclude the meaning of that word from the search result.
for example, i want to search a meaning of a word inception and it is not a movie name. So my query will be inception -movie

#3. Search within a site
If you want to search something within a site, yo can do this without going on to the site. You just have to type the query you want to search and the site: word and the site name in which you want to search the query.
For example, i want to search tips in the site so my query is

#4. Search similar
If you want to search a similar site as the know site then use the keyword related.
i.e. related:name of the site.

#5. Search for words in text
allintext can be used to find a text in the pages. this query will give you all the pages where this text occures.
allintext:basic internet tricks

#6. Search the words in the title
allintitle is the keyword to be used when searching for a query in the title of the page.
For example, allintitle: Technology

#7. Search in the URL
allinurl keyword can be used when searching for a word or a phrase in the url of a site.
For example, allinurl: bbc news

#8. Search related to a particular location
If you want to find some news in a particular location you can use location tag i.e. narendra modi location: china

#9. Search for a particular filetype
you can search a particular document on the internet by just giving the file type of that document.
For example, annual report 2015 filetype: pdf

#10. Blank
You can use a * which works as a wildcard word in a phrase and help you to identify that word.
For example, There is a * that never goes *.

#11. Either word
You can use the tag OR where you wanr to find pages with one of several words, use a capitalized OR i.e. ipl 2013 OR 2015

guest author area 51 About
Shrikrishna Parab is founder of The- ShreeOnTechnology. He is a researcher in the field of Computer Science and Technology. He is 25 and lives in Goa. You can Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

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